
G0527 18" Wide Belt Sander -19-
For your convenience, the adjustments listed
below have been performed at the factory and
require no further adjustment. However, because
of the many variables involved with shipping, we
recommend that you read through Section 8:
Service Adjustments on page 27 and verify that
the adjustments are correct.
Recommended adjustment checklist:
Feed Belt Tension
Feed Belt Tracking
Oscillation Timing
Oscillation Speed
Pressure Rollers
Table Parallelism
V-Belt Adjustment
Air System
Starting the machine:
1. Wear safety glasses at all times when run-
ning the machine!
2. Connect the machine to the power source.
3. Press the TABLE UP and TABLE DOWN
keys. The table should go up and down
4. Press the FEED BELT START and FEED
BELT STOP buttons. The feed belt should
start, run and stop smoothly.
5. Press the SANDING BELT START and
SANDING BELT STOP buttons. The sanding
belt should start, run and stop smoothly.
The machine should run smoothly, with little or no
vibration or rubbing noises. Strange or unnatural
noises should be investigated and corrected
before operating the machine further.
If the machine seems to be running correctly, let
it run for a short time to ensure that the moving
parts are working properly with no excessive
vibration. DO NOT operate the machine if prob-
lems cannot be corrected.
If you cannot locate the source of unusual noises,
feel free to contact our Service Department at
(570) 546-9663.