Model G0773 (Mfd. Since 12/14)
To maintain a low risk of injury and proper
machine operation, if you ever observe any of the
items below, shut down the machine immediately
and fix the problem before continuing operations:
• Loose mounting bolts or fasteners.
• Worn, frayed, cracked, or damaged wires.
• Guards or covers removed.
• Emergency Stop button not working correctly
or not requiring you to reset it before starting
the machine again.
• Damaged or malfunctioning components.
Daily, Before Operations
• Add oil to the ball oilers (Page 62).
• Lubricate the leadscrew and carriage rack
(Page 63).
• Lubricate the bedways (Page 63).
• Clean/lubricate the cross slide and com-
pound slide (Page 63).
• Disengage the half nut on the carriage (to
prevent crashes upon startup).
• Lubricate column ways (Page 66).
Daily, After Operations
• Press the Emergency Stop button (to prevent
accidental startup).
• Vacuum/clean all chips and swarf from bed,
• Wipe down all unpainted or machined sur-
faces with an oiled rag.
• Lubricate end gears (Page 65).
Cleaning /Protecting
Because of its importance, we recommend that
the cleaning routine be planned into the workflow
Typically, the easiest way to clean swarf from the
machine is to use a brush and wet/dry shop vacu-
um that are dedicated for this purpose. The small
chips left over after vacuuming can be wiped up
with a slightly oiled rag. Avoid using compressed
air to blow off chips, as this may drive them deep-
er into the moving surfaces or cause sharp chips
to fly into your face or hands.
All unpainted and machined surfaces should be
wiped down daily to keep them rust free and in top
condition. This includes any surface that is vulner-
able to rust if left unprotected. Use a quality ISO
68 way oil (see Page 57 for offerings from Grizzly)
to prevent corrosion.
Always disconnect power
to the machine before
performing maintenance.
Failure to do this may
result in serious person-
al injury.