G0472/G0473/G0476 Sandblasters
Nozzle/Jet Options
Abrasive Options
Below is the suggested air jet and nozzle combi-
nation for an approximate abrasive flow. Refer to
magazines, trade articles, professionals, and the
abrasive manufacturer for the best combination
that is required for your particular abrasive use.
#1 Air Jet Orifice Diameter:
Nozzle Orifice Diameter:
Abrasive Flow @ 60 PSI: 0.11 L/Min.
#2 Air Jet Orifice Diameter:
Nozzle Orifice Diameter:
Abrasive Flow @ 60 PSI: 0.18 L/Min.
#3 Air Jet Orifice Diameter:
Nozzle Orifice Diameter:
Abrasive Flow @ 60 PSI: 0.25 L/Min.
#4 Air Jet Orifice Diameter:
Nozzle Orifice Diameter:
Abrasive Flow @ 60 PSI: 0.36 L/Min.
Below is a basic introduction to some of the most
common blasting abrasives. Refer to magazines,
trade articles, professionals, and the abrasive
manufacturer for the specific surfaces that can be
addressed with a type of abrasive. All abrasives
have benefits and drawbacks like quality of sur
face finish, abrasive life, toxicity, and what pre-
cautions you must take to prevent environmental
damage or personal injury to your respiratory
Steel Type Abrasives
This aggressive abrasive creates a rough fin-
ish that accepts paint well. The abrasive is very
durable and has a long life, however; it MUST be
kept very dry to prevent rusting.
Alumina Type Abrasives
This multi-purpose abrasive creates a smoother
finish than the steel abrasives, but has a shorter
life span. Less of the workpiece surface is
removed with this more forgiving abrasive.
Glass and Garnet Type Abrasives
Typically this abrasive works well for soft met-
als and addressing surface issues with machine
parts where tolerances cannot be affected. The
life of this abrasive is limited and not well suited
for repetitively recycling.
Sand Type Abrasives
This abrasive is easy to find, and gives an aver-
age finish that is acceptable for most projects.
Sand has a good recycling life and is very eco
Plastic Type Abrasives
Applied at low pressures of 30 to 50 PSI, plas-
tic abrasives should be harder than the coating
being removed, but softer than the workpiece to
avoid damage. Plastic abrasive is excellent for
addressing surface issues on aluminum, mag
nesium, copper, brass, thin steel, titanium, and
composite surfaces and fiberglass.
Other Types of Abrasives Available
Ground walnut or peanut shells.
Ground corn cob.
Sodium bicarbonate.
Wheat starch.
Blasting Media from Grizzly.Com
G6535: 15 lbs. Aluminum Oxide 220 Grit.
G6536: 15 lbs. Aluminum Oxide 120 Grit.
G6537: 15 lbs. Aluminum Oxide 60 Grit.
G6538: 15 lbs. Glass Bead 50-Micron Grit.
Replacement Grizzly Nozzles
P7145012: Nozzle Set (
⁄32" ID).
P7145012-1: #1 Nozzle (
⁄16" ID).
P7145012-2: #2 Nozzle (
⁄64" ID).
P7145012-3: #3 Nozzle (
⁄64" ID).
P7145012-4: #4 Nozzle (
⁄32" ID).