
G0512 Edge Sander
Like all power tools, there is danger asso-
ciated with the Edge Sander. Accidents are
frequently caused by lack of familiarity or
failure to pay attention. Use this tool with
respect and caution to lessen the possibil-
ity of operator injury. If normal safety pre-
cautions are overlooked or ignored, seri-
ous personal injury may occur.
No list of safety guidelines can be complete.
Every shop environment is different. Always
consider safety first, as it applies to your
individual working conditions. Use this and
other machinery with caution and respect.
Failure to do so could result in serious per-
sonal injury, damage to equipment or poor
work results.
Additional Safety Instructions For Sanders
DO NOT allow anyone to stand near the
sander while sanding wood stock.
DO NOT jam the workpiece against the
sanding belt. Firmly grasp the workpiece in
both hands and ease it against the sanding
belt, using light pressure.
DO NOT wear loose clothing while operat-
ing this machine. Roll up or button sleeves
at the cuff.
DO NOT place hands near, or in contact
with, sanding belt during operation.
ANY PROBLEM, with the exception of belt
tracking, that is concerned at all with any
moving parts or accessories must be
investigated and corrected with the power
disconnected, and after everything has
come to a complete stop.
PERFORM machine inspections and main-
tenance service promptly when called for.
NEVER leave the machine running unat-
REPLACE sanding belt when it becomes
NEVER sand more than one piece of stock
at a time.
ALWAYS inspect board stock for nails,
staples, knots, and other imperfections that
could be dislodged and thrown from the
machine during sanding operations.
NEVER operate the sander without an
adequate dust collection system in place
and running.
NEVER sand tapered or pointed stock with
the point facing the feed direction.
•ALWAYSwear a dust mask when sand-
ing. Using this machine produces sawdust
which may cause allergic reactions or res-
piratory problems.