Model G0517 Mill/Drill
Oil Fittings
Oil fittings are located on the tops of each
handwheel and on each side of the base. Lubricate
these fittings with ISO 68 or SAE 20W oil by
depressing the ball with an oil can nozzle and
squirting once or twice.
Figure 46. Handwheel oil fittings.
Figure 47. Oil fittings on left-side of table.
Figure 48. Oil fittings on right-side of table.
Adjusting Gibs
Figure 49. Gib adjustment.
The gibs control play in the longitudinal and cross
feed table movement; they are pre-adjusted at the
factory and typically need no adjustments until
the machine is well used. If table movement is too
tight, make sure the locks are fully released. Next,
make sure the bedways are thoroughly cleaned of
rust preventative and lubricated with oil.
Both the longitudinal table and the cross feed
table have gib adjustment screws (see Figure 49
for the location). Turn the gib adjustment screw
clockwise to tighten the gib or turn counterclock
wise to loosen the gib.
To adjust the gibs:
1. Turn the gib screw one full turn in the neces-
sary direction for tightening or loosening.
2. Test the gib tension by turning the handwheel
and moving the table back and forth. Repeat
Step 1 as necessary.
When adjusting gibs, the goal is to remove
unnecessary sloppiness without causing
the slides to bind. Loose gibs may cause
poor finishes on the workpiece and may
cause undue wear on the slide. Over-tight
ened gibs may cause premature wear.