
G7297 Disc Sander
Unsupervised children
and visitors inside your
shop could receive seri-
ous personal injury.
Ensure child and visitor
safety by keeping all
entrances to the shop
locked at all times. DO
NOT allow unsupervised
children or visitors in the
shop at any time.
Weight Load
The Model G7297 Disc Sander is a small weight
load with a small footprint. Most shop floors and
workbenches should be sufficient to carry the
weight of the machine. Reinforce the floor and
workbench if you question its ability to support the
Working Clearance
Working clearances can be thought of as the dis-
tances between machines and obstacles that
allow safe operation of every machine without
limitation. Consider existing and anticipated
machine needs, size of material to be processed
through each machine, and space for auxiliary
stands or work tables. Also consider the relative
position of each machine to one another for effi-
cient material handling.
Lighting And Outlets
Lighting should be bright enough to eliminate
shadow and prevent eye strain. Electrical circuits
should be dedicated or large enough to handle
the amperage draw. Outlets should be located
near each machine so power or extension cords
are clear of high-traffic areas. Observe local elec-
trical codes for proper installation of new lighting,
outlets, or circuits.
Site Considerations