Bolting to Concrete Floors
Figure 10
Mounting to Shop
Anchor studs are stronger and more perma-
nent alternatives to lag bolts; however, they
will stick out of the floor, which may cause
a tripping hazard if you decide to move your
We strongly recommend securing your
machine to the floor if it is hardwired to the
power source. Consult with your electrician
to ensure compliance with local codes.
Moving & Placing
This bandsaw is a heavy
machine. Serious per-
sonal injury may occur if
safe moving methods are
not used. To be safe, get
assistance and use power
equipment rated for over
1000 lbs. to move the ship-
ping crate and remove the
machine from the crate.
To lift and move the bandsaw:
Figure 11
Figure 11.
Only us lifting straps and power lifting
equipment rated for at least 1000 lbs., and
in good working condition. If the bandsaw
should fall or tip over while moving it, seri-
ous personal injury and property damage
could result.