G9729 Combination Lathe/Mill
Motor: The bearings used in the motor are
shielded and lubricated for life, therefore, no
lubrication is necessary.
Leadscrew: Be
sure to clean and lubricate the
leadscrew. There is also a bearing on the tail
end that will require oil.
Headstock Gearbox: The oil in the headstock
should be changed after the first 2 hours of use,
then every 6 months, depending on usage. We
recommend using a light weight, non-deter-
oil. Viscosity can range from 10W to 30W
and may include multi-viscosity oil in this same
remove the oil in the gear box, remove the
change gear directly under the spindle, remove
the cap screw indicated in Figure 71, and
a can under the drain hole to collect the waste
Figure 71. Drain oil cap screw.
Tailstock: The tailstock is fitted with 2 oiling
ports. The tailstock quill may be oiled directly.
Apply oil each week or after every five uses
(depending on the frequency of operation). Be
sure to clean the slide ways for the tailstock
and lift the tailstock and squirt a few drops of
oil on the ways. It is a good idea to remove the
tailstock, once a month and wipe the bottom thor-
and replace (Figure 73).
Figure 73. Tailstock
oiling points.
Figure 72. Gear
box fill hole.