Calling Up ROM Table Memory Locations
For calling up stations stored in the ROM table, you must
enter the code number (station code) given in the list below.
This means that you must always enter a zero followed by
the number and confirm the entry by pressing the MEMORY
button (6).
If you have already called up the ROM table, you can
select further stations with the MEMORY button (6):
Brief pressure = you get to the next higher station code.
Long pressure = you get to the next lower station code.
For all radio stations, several alternative frequencies have
been programmed. You get to these alternative frequencies
with the MONO/ROM-AF button (21). Each short
pressure on this button will switch to the next frequency.
A direct frequency entry via the numeric keypad (also when
changing the waveband) or a frequency change does not
yet cause the exit from the ROM table.
If you have meanwhile changed the frequency, pressing the
MEMORY button (6) brings you back to the starting point
of the ROM table.
You can quit the ROM table by selecting a station memory
location (e.g., 1 MEMORY) or by slowly pressing the
0/ROM numeric button which causes in addition the
into the tuning memory.
Code Station abbrev. Station Frequencies (kHz)
01 DW . . . . . D Deutsche Welle 3995, 6075, 9545, 9735, 11795, 13780, 15270, 15275,
15350, 15410, 17845, 17860, 21540, 21560, 21640, 21680
02 BBC . WS . G BBC London External Services 3955,3975,5975, 6045, 6180, 6195, 7325, 9410,
9750,9760,9915,12095,15070,17640, 17705, 25750
03 ROEI . AUT Radio Austria International 5945,6155,9870, 13730, 15410, 15430, 15450, 21490
04 SRI . . SUI Swiss Radio International 3985,6165,9535, 9885, 11955, 12030, 15570
05 REND . HOL Radio Nederland 5955,6020,9860, 9895, 13700, 15560, 17575, 17605
06 RFI . . . . F Radio France Internationale 3965,6175,7135, 7280, 9790, 11705, 15300, 17620
07 RAI . . . . I Radiotelevisione Italians 5990,6060,7175, 7275, 7290, 9515, 9575, 9710
08 RMWS.RUS Radio Moscow 5905,5915,7360, 9880, 12010, 13710, 15140, 15225,
15540,17645, 17850, 21725
09 REE . . . . E Radio Exterior de Espana 7105, 9685, 9875, 12035, 15365, 17715, 17890