Specifi cations and appearance are subject to change without notice.
Copyright © 2011 Radial Engineering Ltd.
Radial Workhorse
500 Series Rack and Mixer
Radial Engineering Ltd.
1588 Kebet Way, Port Coquitlam BC V3C 5M5
tel: 604-942-1001 • fax: 604-942-1010
info@radialeng.com • www.radialeng.com
The Radial Workhorse is specifi cally designed for use by qualifi ed professional audio engineers. The
open frame design is not intended for use by consumers or those unfamiliar with this format. Even
though the current and voltage levels are relatively low, we recommend that all slots be fi lled with a
module or covers be placed over unfi lled slots. This will help protect you from electrical shock.
The Workhorse™ rack frame and mixer is designed to be used with 500 series or what are commonly
known as Lunchbox™ modules. The Workhorse has been designed following the framework as
outlined by the VPR Alliance as described on the API™ website. Although some manufacturers
build modules that are not VPR compliant, they may in fact work with the Workhorse. Please consult
those specifi c manufacturers for details regarding their compatibility. The Radial Workhorse Open
Source Document outlines the required technical specifi cations for manufacturers that intend to
have their modules used in the Workhorse. Compatibility of any modules other than a module made
by Radial Engineering Ltd. is the sole responsibility of the user. Please read the Limited Radial
Warranty for details. There are no replacement or user serviceable parts inside.
Table of Contents Page
Front Panel Feature Set Overview ...............................................................................1
Rear Panel Feature Set Overview ................................................................................2
Introduction To The Workhorse ....................................................................................3
Feature Set Overview ...................................................................................................4
Power Supply Capacity ................................................................................................7
Installing The Workhorse ..............................................................................................7
Slide-in Card Slot Tray and Removal ...........................................................................8
Workhorse Signal Flow and Levels ..............................................................................8
Using The Workhorse ...................................................................................................9
Workhorse Applications ................................................................................................11
Frequently Asked Questions ........................................................................................14
Specifi cations and Block Diagram ................................................................................15
Connector Pin-out ........................................................................................................16
Card Edge Connector Specifi cations ...........................................................................16
Radial Limited Warranty ................................................................................Back Cover
Congratulations and thank you for purchasing the Radial Workhorse, an innovative eight channel card frame
and mixer designed to take full advantage of 500 series modules. This manual covers installation and operation
of the Workhorse. We recommend that you take a few minutes to read through this manual in order to familiarize
yourself with the many innovative features incorporated into the Workhorse. Inside, you will fi nd important safety
features along with tips on how to get the most out of your 500 modules while using the Radial Workhorse.
To make the manual as easy to understand as possible, we have divided it into several sections. It begins with
on overview, then descriptions of each function, ending with some real world applications. Should you have any
questions, comments or concerns not covered in these pages, we invite you to log onto the Radial web site at
www.radialeng.com and visit the Workhorse FAQ section. This is where we post the latest details and applica-
tions. If you do not fi nd what you need, feel free to send us an email at info@radialeng.com and we will do our
best to answer your question as quickly as possible. Get ready to Plug in, Turn on and Tune in your 500 modules
with the Radial Workhorse.