Page 3
Taking Measurements
Connect the top-mounted inlet to accept your
sample, typically this is accomplished by
connection to a sampling valve. The sample flow
can be regulated by the knurled stainless steel
knob on top of the flow chamber.
The LCD includes a right-side marker to
distinguish between gas concentration
measurements and temperature. To switch
between gas measurement and temperature
measurement, press the × Ø buttons. To
backlight the LCD for approximately three
minutes, press the Backlight button.
The analyzer will store up to 500 gas
measurement values, labeled by numbers 0
through 499, along with the current date and time
of each measurement. You have the choice of
acquiring this information manually or
automatically, as described below.
Automatic Data Acquisition
Before starting automatic measurement storage,
first select the sampling rate desired using the
Sampling Rate menu of the WinLog97 program.
Switch the instrument OFF (by pressing the
POWER key). Then hold down the STO button
while switching the instrument back ON. The LCD
displays the message Sto for about one second.
Gas concentration measurements are displayed
for about two minutes. After two minutes the
instrument displays the sample number (starting
at 000), then the gas concentration measurement
value followed by [---] to indicate the
measurement is being stored.
This storage sequence repeats automatically, at
the rate specified.
To end automatic storage, switch the instrument
OFF (by pressing the POWER key) while it is in
normal measurement mode. Switching ON again
without holding down the STO button returns the
instrument to measurement mode.
Manual Data Acquisition
For the first measurement you wish to store, press
the STO button once to display a sample number.
The default sample number is 000 (for first time
access), or the last used memory position where
data was stored, incremented by a value of 1.
You can increase or decrease this number by
pressing the × Ø buttons within three seconds.
Press STO a second time, within five seconds of
the first. The instrument then displays the gas
concentration measurement value for about three
seconds, followed by a clearing message as the
value is stored.
Repeat the above steps to store additional