Section 6 Advanced Operations
6.1 User Programs
User programs provide the opportunity to complete "made to
measure" analysis.
The User Programs database is empty when the instrument leaves
the factory and is used to accommodate programs created by users
specific needs. Here are a few examples of entries:
• Programming of user-created procedures. The analysis
procedure must be developed first, before it can be
programmed. The user must define or determine the program
sequences, calculation formulas, measurement wavelengths,
factors, measuring range limits, etc.
• Modified tests
• Assignment of user programs to the favorites menu for
frequently used tests.
• Creation of a specific selection of methods and tests.
Press User Programs in the Main Menu and then
Program Options. The Program Options menu contains several
input and editing options (Table 7):
6.1.1 Program a user method
All input steps and their significance and options are explained in
the following sections.
1. Select New in the Program Options menu.
Table 7 Program options user programs
Options Description
Select New to program a new user program.
Note: The first time Program Options is selected, only the New option is available. The other
options remain inactive (grey) until the first program has been created.
Add to favorites Select Add to favorites to add an existing user program to the list of frequently used programs.
Edit Select Edit to modify an existing program
Select Delete to remove a program from the list of user programs. The program will be
simultaneously deleted from the Favorites list.