Knocking sound coming from inlet valvesKnocking sound coming from inlet valves
Knocking sound coming from inlet valvesKnocking sound coming from inlet valves
Knocking sound coming from inlet valves
This is caused by the way the water pipes have been laid and it has no effect upon the way the
appliance functions. There is no remedy for this.
...with the dishes,cutlery, etc....with the dishes,cutlery, etc.
...with the dishes,cutlery, etc....with the dishes,cutlery, etc.
...with the dishes,cutlery, etc.
Remnants of food are stuck to the dishes, cutlery,etc.Remnants of food are stuck to the dishes, cutlery,etc.
Remnants of food are stuck to the dishes, cutlery,etc.Remnants of food are stuck to the dishes, cutlery,etc.
Remnants of food are stuck to the dishes, cutlery,etc.
Dishwasher was not loaded properly. Jets of water could not reach all parts of the dishes, ect.
Too many items in the rack.
Items in the rack were touching each other.
Not enough detergent was added to dispenser.
Selected wash programme was not intensive enough.
Rotation of spray arm was obstructed by dishes, etc.
Nozzles in spray arm are blokcked by remnants of food.
Filters are blocked.
Filters have been incorrectly fitted.
Waste-water pump is jammed.
Amount of rinse-aid set too high.
Smears left behind on glasses and cutlery; glasses have acquired a metallic appearanceSmears left behind on glasses and cutlery; glasses have acquired a metallic appearance
Smears left behind on glasses and cutlery; glasses have acquired a metallic appearanceSmears left behind on glasses and cutlery; glasses have acquired a metallic appearance
Smears left behind on glasses and cutlery; glasses have acquired a metallic appearance
Unsuitable detergent was used.
Glasses are not dishwasher-proof.
Glasses become clouded and discoloured; coating cannot be wiped offGlasses become clouded and discoloured; coating cannot be wiped off
Glasses become clouded and discoloured; coating cannot be wiped offGlasses become clouded and discoloured; coating cannot be wiped off
Glasses become clouded and discoloured; coating cannot be wiped off
Cutlery is not sufficiently rustproof.
Traces of rust on cutleryTraces of rust on cutlery
Traces of rust on cutleryTraces of rust on cutlery
Traces of rust on cutlery
Selected programme did not include drying function.
Amount of rinse-aid was set too low.
Items were removed from dishwasher too soon.
Dishes,cultlery,etc.have not been driedDishes,cultlery,etc.have not been dried
Dishes,cultlery,etc.have not been driedDishes,cultlery,etc.have not been dried
Dishes,cultlery,etc.have not been dried
Amount of rinse-aid was set too low.
Glasses have a dull appearanceGlasses have a dull appearance
Glasses have a dull appearanceGlasses have a dull appearance
Glasses have a dull appearance
Detergent does not have a sufficient bleaching effect.
Washing temperature was set too low.
Tea stains or traces of lipstick have not been completely removedTea stains or traces of lipstick have not been completely removed
Tea stains or traces of lipstick have not been completely removedTea stains or traces of lipstick have not been completely removed
Tea stains or traces of lipstick have not been completely removed
Not enough detergent was added to dispenser compartment.
Amount of rinse-aid was set too low.
White stains are left on crockery, glasses have a milky appearanceWhite stains are left on crockery, glasses have a milky appearance
White stains are left on crockery, glasses have a milky appearanceWhite stains are left on crockery, glasses have a milky appearance
White stains are left on crockery, glasses have a milky appearance