Run or start capacitor defective Replace
Loose connection Check and tighten all connections.
Condenser fan runs, Compressor stuck, grounded or open Wait for 2 hours for overload to reset.
compressor doesn't motor winding, open internal overload Replace compressor if still open.
Low voltage condition At compressor terminals, voltage must be within 10% of rating
plate volts when unit is running.
Low voltage condition Add start kit components
Incorrect voltage At compressor terminals, voltage must be within 10% of rating
Compressor plate volts when unit is running.
short-cycling Defective overload protector Replace - check for correct voltage
Refrigerant undercharge Add refrigerant
Register sweat Low evaporator airflow Increase blower speed or reduce restriction - replace air filter
Restriction in liquid line, Replace defective components
High head - Low metering device or filter drier
vapor pressures Flowrator piston size too small Change to correct size piston
Incorrect capillary tubes Change coil assembly
Blocked outdoor coil Clear away leaves and other debris
High head - High Refrigerant overcharge Correct system charge
or normal vapor Condenser fan not running Repair or replace
pressures Air, non-condensibles or Recover refrigerant, evacuate &
moisture in system recharge, add filter drier
Low head - High Flowrator piston size too large Change to correct size piston
vapor pressures Defective compressor valves Replace compressor
Incorrect capillary tubes Replace coil assembly
Low vapor - cool Low evaporator airflow Increase blower speed or reduce restriction - replace air filter
compressor - iced Operating below 65 F outdoors Add low ambient kit
evaporator coil Moisture in the system Recover refrigerant, evacuate & recharge, add filter drier
High vapor Excessive load Recheck load calculation
pressure Defective compressor Replace
Fluctuating head Air or non-condensibles in system Recover refrigerant, evacuate & recharge.
and vapor pressures
Pulsing noise at Air or non-condensibles in system Recover refrigerant, evacuate & recharge
metering device
or liquid line
Power off or loose electrical connection Make sure main switch is ON. Check and tighten all connections.
Incorrect thermostat setting Set thermostat correctly
No cooling/heating Defective contactor Check for 24V at contactor coil.
Open circuit breaker of blown fuses Reset or replace
Defective transformer Check wiring - Replace it.
Interconnecting low voltage wiring damage Replace thermostat wiring
Dirty filters Clean & replace
Indoor air blockage Check supply registers and return grills for blockage.
Blocked outdoor coil Clear away leaves and other debris
Improperly sized unit Recalculate load
Insufficient Cooling Improper airflow Check - should be 400CFM/Ton
/Heating Incorrect refrigerant charge Charge correctly per instruction.
Air, non-condensibles or moisture in system Recover refrigerant, evacuate & recharge, add filter drier
Incorrect voltage At compressor terminals, voltage must be within
10% of rating plate volts when unit is running.
Water on floor or in
furnace Blocked condensate drain and "P" trap Remove blockage
Symptom Possible Cause Remedy
Defective four way valve Check the valve coil or replace it