Adjustable cantilever shelves
Cantilever food shelves can be adjusted to accommodate food in different sizes.
When adjusting height of food shelves, remove the shelf from inside the refrigerator. Remove the
pin of the shelf, then tilt the shelf from far end of the shelf then pull to remove it. When installing
cantilever shelf, place the shelf with the hooks on its top into the holes on the back of the refrigerator
wall. Lower the shelf down and then lock it. Finally replace the pin.
When dismounting When installing
Tilt upward
Tilt and remove
Insert to top hook
Crisper with adjustable moisture
Dry the bottom of crisper before loading vegetables or fruits.
Moisture of the crisper can be adjusted as required. If vegetables are loaded in the crisper, set
the moisture regulator of the crisper to position Hi for moisture preservation. It is recommended
to set the regulator to position Lo for storage of fruits.
Sliding label
Hi Lo
Snack tray
The snack tray can be moved to a desired position.