1. Connect the nut on the inlet hose to the connector on
the water valve.
2. Apply inlet hose to a water tab with cold, fresh water.
Note: Use the hose-set supplied with the appli-
ance. Old hose-sets should not be reused.
1. Use the drain hose bracket to keep the end of the
drain hose retained and prevent the outflow of water.
D o n ' t e x t e n d t h e l e n g t h o f t h e d r a i n h o s e ; i f a n e x -
tended hose is required, please consult a serviceman.
2. The height of the drainage outlet must be 80-100 cm.
Fix the drain hose to the clip at the back of the wash-
ing machine to prevent it from dropping off.
Note: The drain hose should not be submerged in
water and should be securely fixed and leak-free. If the
drain hose is placed on the ground or if the pipe is at
a height of less than 80cm, the washing machine will
continuously drain while being filled (self-siphoning).
Before connecting to the power supply, check:
The socket is adequate for the maximum power of the Washer Dryer
(For safety, fuses in the power circuit should be rated for no less than 15A).
¬ The voltage should meet the requirement.
¬ The power outlet should be capable of accepting the Washer Dryer plug.
¬ Connect the machine to an earthed socket outlet.