> 30mm
The drainage shall be smooth with the drain hose.
1.The height of the drain hose shall be less than
10cm, or the drainage will not be smooth, and
cost such long time that the machine may stop
at mid way.
2.Do not step on or press the drain hose.
4.If extra drain hose is needed, please make
separate purchase. The inner diameter of the
extra hose shall not less than 30mm, and the
length shall not exceed 1.5m.
3. If the drain hose is too long, cut it at mid point.
To make smooth drainage, cut the front end of
the hose slantingly.
Usage of the drain hose
5.If the extra hose is too long, cut it either at A
or at B.
The largest allowable slope of the shank base of the machine is 2 .The slanting or rough ground will result in
unstable running or stoppage of the machine. Please adjust it with following methods:
Confirm it's horizontal:
Hang the lead line to check if it is
Adjust the adjustable foot:
the adjustable nut
the adjustable foot
1 .To twist the adjustable leg, please first lift up the
side of the foot slightly, loosen the adjustable nut,
and twist the foot.
2 .Afteradjustment, fasten thenut.
Adjust the Installation position
Pressthe buttontoselectrinse ."RINSE" procedure
Pressthe WASH buttontoselectwash ." " procedure
Pressthe button,thelight flashesthenpress SET toselectthedesiredwashtime
fromtheSTANDARD,HEAVY,CHILD,MEMORYprograms 0-25mins .
"WASH" "+ -"
PressSET buttoncan changetheprocess ,cannotchange timefrom theGENTLEand
"+ -"
Thebuttonisunavailablefrom theSPEEDYandTUBDRYprograms.
D "WASH" button
Pressthe buttontoselectspin ."SPIN" procedure
Pressthe button,thelight flashesthenpress SET toselectthedesiredspintime
fromtheSTANDARD,HEAVY,CHILD,MEMORY programs 0-9mins .
"SPIN" "+ - "
Thebuttonisunavailablefrom theSPEEDYandTUBDRYprograms.
Press SET buttoncan changetheprocess,cannotchangetime
from theGENTLEandWOOLprograms.
"SPIN"button,thenpress "+ -"
E "SPIN"button
The washingmachine can detect thelaundries automatically.After detection,it will set thewater level tosuitable value
among 4,6, 8,10 and 12automatically.During the STANDARD program,You can alsoset waterlevel by yourself.After
the machineis started, it willnot set waterlevel automatically. You shall pushthe /PAUSE buttonto makenew setting.
If there'swater inside the tub,the machinecannot detect thelaundries andwill display water level6 .If wetlaundries
are putin, it may displaywater level 12.You must setsuitable water level byyourself.
During operationof SOAK,WASH and RINSE programs,you canpush downthe WATER LEVELbutton to addwater.
When yourelease the button, orit reaches theoverflow waterlevel, themachine will stop addingwater.
The waterlevel decided may bedifferent from actualvalue because ofthe different moisturelevel ofthe laundries.
If SPEEDY program isselected, it will displaywater level 3. It will displaywater level 4when itrinses.
WhenSTANDARD,MEMORY,HEAVY,CHILDandGENTLE programs therinsewatervalue
willbe onelevelhigher than thewashwatervalue.(Except12watervalueandwhentherinsewatervalueis
F WATER LEVEL button""
G button" RYING"D "
Pushthe"AIR DRY"button Theprogramis chosen(0.5h,1.0h,2.0h).
Itcandry theinner tubandthe outertub when0.5h,1.0hare selected, whichcanavoid growingmildew
ontheouter tuband theinnertub.
2.0hcandry laundries,the maxdryingcapacity ofthe fibrelaundriesis 1.5kg.
"AIRDRY"programcannot bereserved.
Pressthe button,thelight flashesthenpress SET toselectthedesiredrinsetimes
"RINSE" "+-"
ForGENTLE ,press SET buttoncan,WOOLprograms change
"RINSE"button,thenpress "+ -"
G button"AIR DRY"
H button"RINSE"