Function and Instruction For 2-8 Pharmaceutical
1 Microprocessortemperature controller
Fig 1
2 Temperatureadjustment: Seefig #1
3 Checkalarm temperature:See fig#1
4 Checkrecent highestand lowestcabinet temperature: Seefig #1
Adjust the cabinet temperature easily by the microprocessor temperature controller in control panel
installed onthe top of the refrigerator.Don't do anyadjustment in thefirst 30 minswhen you firstpower
the refrigerator.
LED displaysthe cabinettemperature.
Factory pre-setto 4°C.Adjustabletemperature controlrange +2°C to +8°C
Set cabinet temperature: Press “SET” button and loosen quickly,LED display the pre-set
temperature andflash.
Adjust the cabinet temperature with the buttons “+” or ” and increment 1° C when the
temperature flash .Automatically quit thesystem after 10 seconds no operation and display thecabinet
temperature again(no flash).The cabinettemperature will reachpre-set temperatureafter a while.
High andlow temperaturealarm
It will alarm when the cabinet temperature is higher than the high alarm temperature or lower than
the low alarm temperature (buzzing and light flash). Press “Alarm” button to end the buzzer, but light
flash goingon untilthe cabinettemperature renew tothe alarmtemperature range.
Press both “Alarm” and “+” buttonto check high temperature alarm, loosen buttons to return cabinet
temperature display.
Press both “Alarm” and ” button check low temperature alarm, loosen buttons to return cabinet
temperature display.
Press both “SET”and “+” buttons to check recent highest cabinet temperature, loosen buttons to
return cabinettemperature display.
Press both “SET”and ” buttons to check recent lowest cabinet temperature, loosen buttons to
return cabinettemperature display.
1.Control panel
The operation mode and temperature are displayed on the control panel. Pressing the
button on the control panel will display the current temperature and warning data.
2.Battery switch
Rechargeable battery switch for control of power interruption. Position 1 for On, and
Position 0 for Off.
The switch must be set to position On while the appliance is in operation.
Set the battery switch to position Off if the appliance is not used for a long
3.Door handle
Elegant design and unique finish.
Casters designed for free movement of the appliance.
5.Inner light