2. Avoiding irradiation without water after installation, it can't be used immediately, it
should be sheltered.
3. When supplying water at the first time, it should be operated in the morning or
evening or the condition of short of light; avoid supplying water in strong sunshine,
in order to prevent vacuum tubes bombing.
4. If the water pressure isn't enough for water supply, please install an pressurize
5. When the hot water is to be used, don't place the spray head face yourself until the
water temperature is suitable.
6. This product can supply the water depend on the fall of the tank and the water exit ,
an pressurize equipment is recommended while the water couldn't be supplied
normally due to the low fall.
7. Do not supply cold water more than once in a low solar irradiance day.
8. The energy is from solar, in the days that lack of solar such as rainy or snowy day,
the temperature of the water may can't reach your demand,
9. Make sure the evacuated tubes clean, hose off the dust and dirt on the tubes and
the reflector before the winter comes.
10. The evacuated tubes resist as low temperature as -70 when tubes is emptied.
The tank should remain filled up during continuously cloudy or snowing days in winter,
in addition every two days the cold water in the tank should be changed to prevent the
water in the tank from freezing which might damage the tubes.
When using the water heater with electric heating, ensure that electric heating and
electric tracing belt are closed.
If there isn't electric heating ,
it may not be used normally.