Recipes – Gluten-Free (Cycle )
1.5-lb. (680-g) Loaf
1 1/2 cups (355 ml) warm milk
(cow, rice, soy, or nut)
3/ 4 cup (177 ml) whole egg (must
measure 3/4 cups)
1/4 cup (59 ml) vegetable oil
1 teaspoon (5 ml) cider vinegar or
lemon juice
3/4 teaspoon (3.7 ml) sea salt
2 Tablespoons (30 ml) sugar
1 Tablespoon (15 ml) xanthan
1 teaspoon (5 ml) guar gum
3/ 4 teaspoon (3.7 ml) lecithin
granules (plain soy)
1 Tablespoon (15 ml) potato flour
3 cups (710 ml) gluten-free
all-purpose baking flour
2 teaspoons (10 ml) active dry
Have all ingredients at room temperature. Whisk together liquid
ingredients until very smooth. Add liquid ingredients to bread pan.
In separate bowl, whisk together dry ingredients, except yeast, until
thoroughly blended. Pour the dry ingredients on top of the wet. Make a
small well on the top middle of the dry ingredients and add the yeast.
Recipe Courtesy of Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods, copyright 2010.
Visit Bob’s Red Mill online at www.bobsredmill.com for more bread machine
recipes or to find out where Bob’s Red Mill products are sold.
Gluten-Free Sandwich Bread
1.5-lb. (680-g) Loaf
2 cups (473 ml) hot water
3 large eggs, lightly beaten
1 teaspoon (5 ml) cider vinegar
1/4 cup (59 ml) canola oil
2 cups (473 ml) brown rice flour
1/2 cup (118 ml) tapioca flour
1/2 cup (118 ml) potato starch
1/2 cup (118 ml) garbanzo bean
1 1/2 teaspoons (7.4 ml) sea salt
4 1/2 teaspoons (22.2 ml) xanthan
3 Tablespoons (44 ml) sugar
3 Tablespoons (44 ml) nondairy
2 1/4 teaspoons (11.1 ml) yeast,
active dry
In a bowl, whisk together the hot water, eggs, vinegar, and oil. Place the
liquid ingredients in the bread pan. In a separate bowl, stir together
rice flour, tapioca flour, potato starch, garbanzo bean flour, sea salt,
xanthan gum, nondairy creamer, and sugar. Pour the dry ingredients
on top of the liquid. Make a small well on the top middle of the dry
ingredients and add the yeast.
Recipe Courtesy of Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods, copyright 2010.
Visit Bob’s Red Mill online at www.bobsredmill.com for more bread machine
recipes or to find out where Bob’s Red Mill products are sold.
Whole-Grain Bread
This gluten-free recipe is over 50% whole grain using the
brown rice flour.
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