2 - 13
In Wand Emulation mode, the imager decodes the barcode then sends data in
the same format as a wand imager. The Code 39 Format converts all symbolo-
gies to Code 39.
The Same Code Format transmits UPC, EAN, Code 128, Codabar, and Inter-
leaved 2 of 5 without any changes, but converts all other symbologies to Code
39. 2D symbologies are converted to Code 128.
The Code 39 Format barcode below sets the terminal ID to 61, and the Same
Code Format barcode sets the terminal ID to 64.
Default = Code 39 Format.
Wand Emulation
Note: See "Imager Models" on page 1-2 to determine which interfaces apply to
your imager.
Note: Changing primary wand emulation settings also changes the secondary
wand emulation settings (see Secondary Code 39 Wand Emulation on
page 6-2).
Data Block Size
This transmits the data in smaller blocks to prevent buffer overflow.
Default =
Code 39 Format
Same Code Format