
Quick Check® SV Series User’s Guide 8 - 3
Sync input recovery time: 12.5 milliseconds minimum
Open Drain FET (Field Effect Transistor) – no internal pull-up resistor
External Pull-up Voltage: 0 - 30 Volts DC
Sink current: 100 milliamps maximum
USS Code 128
USS Code 39
USS Code 93
USS Codabar
USS Interleaved 2 of 5
UPC versions A and E (including 2 and 5 digit supplemental codes)
EAN-13 and EAN-8 (including 2 and 5 digit supplemental codes)
Operation Modes
The SV Series is very flexible, with many programmable features, but basic
system operation can be broken down into three modes. Two modes include a
sync signal and one mode operates without a sync signal. These modes are
programmable via SV Command Language (Chapter 6) and Hand Held
Products’ ScanView software (Chapter 4).
Sync Mode – Moving Bar Codes
In this mode, a sync signal is used as an indicator to determine when an object
or label containing a bar code(s) has entered or exited the laser beam. Bar
codes are analyzed and ports activated, transmissions sent, etc. as the bar
codes pass through the beam. The SV unit is programmed for the number of bar
codes to expect during a sync period (see "Sync Inputs" on page 2-2); therefore
the SV unit can detect missing or undetectable bar codes.
A hardware input is the most common sync source for this mode.