Page 254 Index
Passwords 46–47
changing 46
creating 46
deleting 46
for network 185
forgotten 47, 229
Pasting text 63
Payment, Expense item 164
Personal information managers. See PIM
Phone application
starting 85, 98
Phone Lookup 69–70
Phone numbers
selecting types 90
Phone settings for ISP or dial-in
server 188–189
*If Found Call* entry 89
adding contact to Speed Dial 85
adding custom fields 104
adding entry from Call History 99
business card for beaming 78
categorizing Contacts records 65
copying records 90
creating contact records 82–85, 88–
creating records 61, 88–89
deleting Contacts records 63
dialing from Contacts list 90
Dialing Preferences 104
displaying category 103
finding Contacts records 68
fonts 76
menus 101
notes for Contacts records 75
opening 50
overview 50
private Contacts records 73
sorting Contacts records 72
Pick lists 21
PIM (personal information manager)
using with communicator 27
PIN 221
IR on communicator 202
Ports. See USB, port and Serial port
Power button 16, 19
PPP 186, 190
PRC (application file extension) 43
Preferences 22
Blazer 131
Buttons 176, 177
Call 103
choosing 42
Connection 177
dialing 104
Digitizer 180
Formats 181
General 182
HotSync buttons 176
Network 183–195
Owner 195
ShortCuts 196
Primary DNS 187, 191
expense reports from Excel 167–169
records from applications 26
Prioritizing To Do List records 145, 148
Private records
displaying and creating 73, 225
lost with forgotten password 47
See also Security
Profiles 213
Proxy server 132
PUK 221
Punctuation marks
onscreen keyboard 35
typing 30
Call History 100
records 64
See also Deleting
SMS messages 142
Quattro Pro, for expense reports 238
Range of times in Day view 120
Receipts, recording in Expense 164
Receiving data. See Beaming information
beaming 78–79
choosing categories 65
creating 61
Date Book Plus 106
defined 61
deleting 63, 111