Logged data are stored in the internal EEPROM and are retained even
if batteries and external power are disconnected.
• 12900 data samples divided into 16 lots (lots 01 to 16)
• 9999 data samples maximum in one single lot
• 300 data samples for the Log on demand (lot 00).
TIMED LOG (lots 01 to 16)
Each time a new logging period starts, it automatically starts from
the next available lot. If the last lot was the 16th, the new logging
period restarts from lot 01 overwriting previously logged data.
When Timed logging memory is full, the meter overwrites the oldest
lot data reducing progressively the old lots. In this case the starting
time, date and the dimension of the old lot are updated.
Note: The oldest lot data are erased without any warning message.
Note: Timed logging memory can be entirely erased through the
setup code 06.
If the meter is powered only by the external power supply and there is
a temporary power blackout during logging, when power returns, the
logging continues normally if no sample has been lost, otherwise the
current lot is ended and a new lot starts with the same sample ID.
If the printer is enabled, the "...Stop..." message will be printed. In
any case, during scrolling the former lot will be preceded by the
"Interrupted Lot" message and the latter by "Continuation Lot" to
indicate the interruption.
When Log on demand data area is full the meter shows the "FULL"
message to warn the user that data are not stored in memory. Erase
the memory area through setup code 05 to continue logging data on