Aspect Ratio The ratio of width to height of a film, image or display screen.
Broadcast TV Broadcasting video signals using high-frequency electromagnetic
waves to distribute television channels to viewers (standard TV broadcast).
CATV Community Antenna Television, the original name for cable TV. A television
distribution system that uses coaxial cable instead of the traditional radio broad-
casting (over-the-air) method to deliver television, FM radio, and other services to
Color Temperature Adjusting the color temperature enables you to set the inten-
sity of white light. Color temperature is measured in Kelvin (K). Higher color tem-
peratures result in a blue tint. Lower temperatures result in a red tint.
Hue Colors in a color system are measured by hue, saturation and luminance.
Hue indicates the predominant color.
LCD Liquid Crystal Display. A display technology that uses rod-shaped molecules
(liquid crystals) that flow like liquid and bend light.
MTS Multi-channel Television Sound. Enables reception of audio other than the
primary (MAIN) audio signal. DUAL enables reception of a stereo audio signal,
while SAP (Second Audio Program) enables reception of a separate channel that
may be a different language or completely different information such as the news.
RCA connector An RCA or phono connector is a plug and socket for a two-wire
(signal and ground) coaxial cable that is widely used to connect audio and video
components. RCA sockets are commonly found at the rear of A/V equipment.
RCA jack An RCA jack enables you to attach the 4-IN-1 cable to a device socket.
Refer to “.Checking Package Contents” on page 17.
SAP Used with SAP and NTSC, enables broadcast of the main broadcast signal on
one speaker, and the alternate audio speaker on the other speaker.
Saturation Chromatic purity indicating the amount of white contained in a color.
Fully saturated colors are pure colors; less saturated colors appear as pastel
S-Video Super-video, a video cabling standard used to transmit video by keeping
brightness (Y) and color information (C) on separate channels. Most often used with
camcorders, VCRs, and quality receivers and amplifiers to provide sharper pictures.
VCD A compact disk format developed in 1993 by Sony and Philips to capture full-
motion video. A standard Video CD can hold 74 minutes of near VHS-quality video
and CD-quality sound.