Selkirk Direct- TempTM Simpson Dura-Vent Direct Vent GS@
Stock No. Description Stock Description No.
4DT -6 6" Pipe Length, Galvanized 908 6" Pipe Length, Galvanized
4DT -6B 6" Pipe Length, Black 908B 6" Pipe Length, Black
4DT -9 9" Pipe Length, Galvanized 907 9" Pipe Length, Galvanized
4DT -9B 9" Pipe Length, Black 907B 9" Pipe Length, Black
4DT -12 12" Pipe Length, Galvanized 906 12" Pipe Length, Galvanized
4DT -12B 12" Pipe Length, Black 906B 12" Pipe Length, Black
4DT -18 18" Pipe Length, Galvanized n/a n/a
4DT -18B 18" Pipe Length, Black n/a n/a
4DT -24 24" Pipe Length, Galvanized 904 24" Pipe Length, Galvanized
4DT -24B 24" Pipe Length, Black 904B 24" Pipe Length, Black
4DT -36 36" Pipe Length, Galvanized 903 36" Pipe Length, Galvanized
4DT -36B 36" Pipe Length, Black 903B 36" Pipe Length, Black
4DT -48 48" Pipe Length, Galvanized 902 48" Pipe Length, Galvanized
4DT -48B 48" Pipe Length, Black 902B 48" Pipe Length, Black
4DT -AJ Adjustable Length, 11"-14", Galv. 911 Adjustable Length, 11"-14", Galv.
4DT -AJB Adjustable Length, 11"-14" Black 911 Adjustable Length, 11"-14", Black
4DT -EL45 45° Elbow, Galvanized 945 45° Elbow, Galvanized
4DT -EL45B 45° Elbow, Black 945B 45° Elbow, Black
4DT -EL90 90° Elbow, Galvanized 990 90° Elbow, Galvanized
4DT -EL90B 90° Elbow, Black 990B 90° Elbow, Black
4DT -AA Appliance Adaptor, Black n/a n/a
4DT -RD Restriction Disc 929 Restrictor Disc
4DT -CS Ceiling Support 949 Round Ceiling Support / Wall Thimble Cover
4DT -CSS Cathedral Support Box 941 Cathedral Ceiling Support Box
4DT -WS/B Wall Support/Band 988 Wall Stap
4DT -OS Offset Support 989 Elbow Strap
4DT -WT Round Wall Thimble, Black 942 Wall Thimble
4DT -FS Firestop Spacer 963 Ceiling Firestop
4DT- TP Trim Plate, Black n/a n/a
4DT -HKA Horizontal Term. Kit A 970 Basic Horizontal Term. Kit
4DT -HKB Horizontal Term. Kit B 971 Horizontal Termination Kit A
4DT -V KC Vertical Termination Kit 978 Vertical Termination Kit
4DT -HVC High Wind Vertical Cap 991 High Wind Termination Cap
4DT -HHC High Wind Horizontal Cap 985 Horiz. Square High Wind Termination
4DT -SC Storm Collar 953 Storm Collar
4DT -AF6 Adjustable Flashing, 0/12-6/12 943 Adj. Roof Flashing 0/12-6/12
4DT -AF12 Adjustable Flashing, 6/12-12/12 943S Steep Roof Flash. 7/12-12/12
4DT -VS Vinyl Siding Standoff 950 Vinyl Siding Standoff
4DT -VSP Vinyl Siding Shield Plate n/a n/a
4DT -ST14 Snorkel Termination 14" 982 Snorkel Termination Cap 14"
4DT -ST36 Snorkel Termination 36" 981 Snorkel Termination Cap 36"
CROSS REFERENCE CHART - Selkirk Direct-Temp & Simpson Dura-Vent Direct Vent GS
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