The room sensor is a small temperature sensor
on the end of a 60" wire. This sensor is installed
much like a standard wall thermostat. Because
it is so small, it can be hidden along the trim of a
doorway or even up the leg of a coffee table. There
is a remote room sensor port on the rear of the
unit for easy external connection. Use standard
18-2 thermostat wire to extend the distance to the
desired location (100' maximum). The room sensor
should be installed in the location where you want
to control the temperature.
NOTE: Distances of more than 25 feet from the
unit or in another room are not recommended. The
room sensor is essential for the P61's excellent
NOTE: It is recommended that the room sensor
be installed, even if only installed on the rear of
the unit as a return air sensor.
Fig. 22
Room Sensor Installation
Room Sensor and Rear Shield Installation
Fig. 23
5/16" Hex Head
Screws (2 on
each side)
5/16" Hex
Head Screws
(2 on each
The rear insulated shields are split in the middle
for easy removal. Each shield has two 5/16" hex
head screws that only need to be loosened (NOT
REMOVED) to allow the shield to slide away from
the unit.
NOTE: It is not recommended that the unit be
operated with the shields removed, due to the
hot and moving parts which they protect.
Rear Shields