P38+ Pellet Stove
Fig. 14
Turbo Control
When the Feed Rate is set to "1" and the
Blower is set to the lowest setting, only 75
watts of electricity are used.
Feed Rate
Turning the knob passed the "OFF" position starts the
combustion blower and makes the stove ready to light as shown
in fig 14. The distribution blower and feed motor will also run
for one minute or less just to let you know they are operational.
After lighting the fire, the ESP probe in the exhaust senses
when the temperature is high enough to start the feed motor
and distribution blower.
The feed motor will start and stop as needed to main-
tain a fire relative to the dial setting of the feed rate.
Turbo Range
Turning the feed rate knob into the Turbo Range causes
the feed rate to increase, providing extra heat not available in
the normal range. It also causes the distribution blower to go
to full speed. This is because you are asking for extra heat
output, therefore, full blower speed is required.
Blower Speed Adjustment
This knob adjusts the blower speed from "Low" to "Hi"
as desired. When the feed rate is turned into the Turbo Range,
the blower automatically goes to high to force maximum heat
into the room. The blower speed cannot be varied when in
Turbo Range.
When a thermostat is connected, the blower is con-
trolled by heating demands.
Thermostat ( optional )
When a thermostat is connected to the stove it controls
the heat output. When the thermostat calls for heat, the feed
rate and blower go to "max" just like in Turbo Range. When
the thermostat is satisfied, the feed rate and blower speed
drop to the level set on the dials.
When the Feed Rate dial is turned to the OFF position
the fire will slowly die and go out. When the stove cools down
enough, all motors will stop.
If the stove runs out of pellets and cools down, the
control will shut down all but the combustion blower.
The control must be turned to OFF to stop the combus-
tion blower. Whenever the stove runs out of pellets, the con-
trol must be turned to OFF and then back to the desired set-
ting to reset the control for start-up.
Test Mode
To use test mode, turn the feed rate to OFF and then to
Turbo. This will cause all the motors to run for one minute or
less in order to verify operation. If the test does not last long
enough, simply recycle test mode.