Harman Accentra Insert Zero Clearance Cabinet
See your dealer for part details
and installation instructions.
Harman Mantel System
Combustible materials are allowed to touch the cabinet anywhere behind the front mounting flanges except vent
clearance areas. The hearth substructure may be built of combustible material although a non-combustible hearth
surface (tile, stone, metal, glass) must extend as far as shown on the UL label.
Fig. 55
Fig. 56
Accentra Insert Zero Clearance Cabinet
Be sure to use ap-
proved pellet vent pipe wall
and ceiling pass- through
fittings to go through com-
bustible walls and ceilings.
Be sure to use a starting col-
lar to attach the venting sys-
tem to the flue stub and seal
the connection with high
temperature silicone.
Harman Zero
Clearance cabinet
(top flue only)
Part #1-00-674070
Insert Wing &
Mounting Frame
Insert Body
When using 3" or 4" PL vent
pipe, there must be a 3"
clearance to combustibles.
A minimum of a 1" hearth is
required when using the
Harman Zero Clearance box.
Harman Zero Clearance Box
Flue Pipe Support (optional)
Part # 1-00-674119
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