TLC 2000 Coal Stove
(Never sleep in the same room with any coal burning stove.)
Carbon Monoxide (CO) Awareness
Carbon monoxide referred to as CO, is a color-
less, odorless gas that is produced during combustion
of coal and other fuels. CO fumes are toxic and can
be fatal.
The TLC 2000 is a closed loop system specially
designed to prevent the escape of CO and other com-
bustion products from the stove.
Even though this stove is designed to be as safe
as possible, it is important that you install a CO de-
tector. This is true for oil, gas, or wood as well.
CO is heavier than air. This causes accumula-
tion to occur at the floor first. Therefore, it is best to
install the detector at table top level or lower rather
than on the ceiling like a smoke detector.
CO detectors are very sensitive and may sound
an alarm for fumes other than CO or CO from
sources other than the stove such as car or lawn
mower exhaust.
If the alarm sounds
1. Increase ventilation by opening windows
or doors.
2. Make sure the stove doors and hopper lid
are closed and latched.
3. Check stove for electrical power and
normal operation.
4. Check for false alarm.
Never use gasoline, gasoline-type lantern fuel, kerosene, charcoal lighter fluid, or similar liquids to
start or “freshen up” a fire in this heater. Keep all such liquids well away from the heater while it is in use.