
Search Functions
The FL8350 is equipped with a variety of
functions that make it easy to search for
specific parts of any CD.
If you wish to quickly scan through a
disc to locate a particular passage or
program, press the Search buttons
&e. The Forward Search button
plays the disc forward in high
speed, while the Reverse Search
plays the disc backwards in
high speed. When the desired part of the
disc is heard, release the Search button
to resume normal play speed.
To move from one track on a disc to
another, press one of the Skip buttons
^f. Pressing the Forward Skip
will move you forwards
through the disc, one track at a time,
while pressing the Reverse Skip
will move you back one
track at a time.
The Skip buttons may be used when
the FL8350 is either playing or stopped.
If the unit is stopped, the Skip buttons
may be used to locate the first track to
be played. The Play button $hmust
be pressed to begin play. If the Skip but-
tons are used while the unit is already
playing, the audio output will stop while
the new track is located, and play will
automatically resume after the Skip
button is released.
Intro Search
This feature lets you locate a track by
playing the first 10 seconds of each track.
When the Intro button 8kis pressed,
the unit will play only 10 seconds of each
track, and then automatically move to
the next track. When you have reached a
track that you wish to listen to in its
entirety, press the Intro button again to
resume normal operation. When the
Intro feature is activated, the INTRO
indicator will illuminate in the
Information Display Ó to remind
you that Intro Search is in use.
When the Intro button is pressed, the
FL8350 will first play through the disc
that is currently in the play position, and
then move on to each disc position that
is loaded.
FL8350 CD Changer (English) 7/11/00 9:30 AM Page 15