2.2 Dimensions
Table 2-2 Trolley Dimensions
For NER2003L-FG to
b b' d e e' i j k m n r t
MR2010L/S-FG 12.4 15.6 8.7 20.3 7.1 3.74 0.9 5.1 8.1 4.3 2.0 1.22
MR2020L/S-FG 12.8 16.4 8.9 20.5 7.2 4.33 1.1 4.9 8.4 4.7 2.4 1.42
MR2010SD-FG 12.4 15.6 8.7 20.3 7.1 3.74 0.9 5.1 8.1 4.3 2.0 1.22
MR2020SD-FG 12.8 16.4 8.9 20.5 7.2 4.33 1.1 4.9 8.4 4.7 2.4 1.42
6.2 Lubrication
6.1.1 Lubricate the following trolley components with only Nevastane HT/AW 2 White Drum food grade
lubricating grease.
6.1.2 Track Wheel Gear – Clean and re-grease the Track Wheel gears and motor output pinion every
three months (more frequently for heavier usage or severe conditions). Do not use an excessive
amount of grease and avoid getting any grease on the running surfaces of the Track Wheels or
the beam.
6.1.3 Gear Box – The reduction gearing in the motor should be cleaned and lubricated at least once
per year for normal usage. Clean and lubricate the reduction gear assembly more frequently for
heavier usage or severe conditions. Gain access to the gears by removing the four bolts that
mount the motor assembly to the trolley Side Plate. Make sure to properly orient and reuse the
neoprene gasket between the motor and Side Plate.
6.1.4 Suspension Pins, Bolts and Shafts – Grease at least twice per year for normal usage (more
frequently for heavier usage or severe conditions).