remove this orifice
only with the nut
driver supplied.
burner base
orifice removed
Top Burner Orifice Conversion
After the regulator has been converted the top
burner bases require conversion:
1)To expose the burner base, remove the
porcelain cap and aluminum flame spreader.
2) Find the 7 mm oriface removal tool, included
with the kit. (The end of the tool is flattened to
accept a standard slot screw driver to make the
oriface removal easier) Insert the tool inside the
burner base and turn the orifice out of the jet
holder, COUNTER-CLOCKWISE. (Put the
orifice in a safe place, in case you need to
reconvert later.)
3) Find the appropriately numbered orifice for the
4) Use the tool to screw the burner orifice into
place in a clockwise motion.
Before proceeding with each step, check the
orifice with a flashlight to make sure there is no
debris blocking the opening of the orifice. Follow
the same procedure for the the rest of the burners.
Adjusting the Simmer(Flame size)
After converting the burners with new orifaces the burner valves need
to be adjusted. The gas supply should be turned on for this step:
1) Remove the control knob only, the valve cover need not be
2) Turn the burner on and set to low.
3) The flame size will have to be adjusted up or down depending on
the gas you are converting to.
To adjust flame size insert the small slot screw driver (included with
this kit) inside the valve stem (see valve illustration)
4) Turn the screw driver clock wise to decrease, counter clock wise
to increase flame.
Adjust the flame size just so the flame curls around the porcelain cap.
If the igniter starts or you have problems with the flame going out you
have adjusted to low.
flat screw driver
valve stem
close-up of burner orifice
shows location of numbered
size: example shown matches
with 1.29 medium burner orifice
for natural gas.
7 mm nut driver
insert standard slot screwdiver here
When converting to LP (liquid
propane) the flame will have to be
adjusted down
When converting to natural gas the
flame will have to be adsjusted up.