Cooking Guide
Broiling Guide:
Baking Guide:
Caution: Accessible parts may become hot when the broiler is in use. Children should be kept away.
General Cooking Tips & Preferences
prevent grease build up.
·Allow the oven to preheat for 8 minutes.
·Prepare meat, allowing frozen meat to thaw before
·Slit the fat around the edge of the meat about every inch, to
prevent curling. Arrange meat on the broiler pan.
·Always use the broiler pan and rack supplied.They are
designed to allow fats to drip into the pan, reducing smoking
while the food is cooking. If desired, the broiler pan may be
lined with foil and the broiler rack may be covered with foil.
However be sure to mould the foil to the broiler rack and cut
slits in the foil to conform to the slits in the rack to allowjuices
and fat to drain into the pan.
·Broil meat on rack of broiler pan placed on oven shelf in
third or fourth position (refer to Figure 1) about 4-5
inches (10-12 cm) below the top element.
·The closer the meat is placed to the broil element, the faster
the surface browns. For rare meat, preheat the broiler unit
and place the meat as close to the unit as possible.
·The further away the meat is placed, the slower the
surface browns and the more well done the meat will be.
·A small amount of water placed in the broiler pan will
reduce the smoke and splattering from hot drippings.
·Turn meat with tongs, not a fork so as not to pierce meat
and lose juices.
·Keep oven door closed for broiling.
General Cooking Tips & Preferences
·Place oven rack in correct position before preheating oven
(refer to Baking Guide and Figure 1on Page 24)
- Dull metal pans absorb and conduct heat the best.
and resulting in darker crusts.
- If using shiny aluminum foil pans, place on aluminum
baking sheets to conduct heat better for bottom crust.
-Shield edges with foil if getting too brown before completely
·For Layer Cakes single rack convection is recommended.
·For Angel Food Cakes convection is recommended with 1
or 2 cakes.
·If using insulated baking sheets, items may take longer to
Convection Baking:
·Generally lids or foil covering are not recommended except
for moist casseroles (e.g. lasagna) which can be covered half
way through the cooking time to prevent drying out.
·For quick breads (e.g. banana or zucchini loaves) do not
reduce temperature since they are very dense and moist. Be
sure to insert a cake tester or toothpick to see that center is
·For cookies, tea biscuits and rolls, use aluminum baking
sheets, do not use larger ones or
ones with sides. This is so that the air can circulate evenly.
When multiple racks are cooked at once, middle rack may
take a few minutes longer to cook.
This chart is a referance guide only, as variables such as size, tempature and individual preferances may affect the cooking time.
Recipe or package directions should always take precedence. Keep a record of your results, preferred tempatures and times.
Degree of
Thickness Approximate Time
Steaks Rare 3/4-1 inch (2cm) 5-6 min/side
Medium 3/4-1 inch (2cm) 7-8 min/side
Ground Beef Patties Well done 3/4-1 inch (2cm) 6-8 min/side
Pork Chops or Kabobs until no longer pink 3/4 -1 inch (2cm) 5-6 min/side
Lamb Chops or kabobs Medium Rare 1 inch (2cm) 5-7 min/side
Chicken Parts until juices run clear 25-40 minutes
Boneless Breasts until no longer pink 6-8 min/side
Whole or Steaks
Boneless Fillets 5-10 minutes
Lobster Tails, Thawed 8-10 minutes
Single Rack
Position for
Standard or
Multiple Rack
Position for
°F °C Minutes °F °C Minutes
Yeast Loaf 2 Not advised on
mulitple racks
400 200 30-40 375 190 20-30
Yeast Rolls 2 or 3 2 & 4 or 1 & 3 375 190 15-20 350 180 6-10
Focaccia or
1 or 2 Not advised on
multiple racks
400 200 15-20 400 200 12-18
2 or 3 2 & 4 or 1 & 3 425 220 20-25 400 200 12-20
Tea Biscuits 2 or 3 2 & 4 or 1 & 3 450 230 12-15 425 220 8-12
Layer Cake
2 or 3 Not advised on
multiple racks
340 175 30-36 300 150 25-30
Angel Food
1 Not advised on
multiple racks
325 160 55-60 300 150 40-45
Cupcakes 2 or 3 2 & 4 or 1 & 3 350 180 20-25 325 160 15-20
Shells without
1 or 2 not advised on
multiple racks
400 200 8-10 400 200 8-10
Double Crust
with Filling
1 Not advised on
multiple racks
450 230 initially
for 15
425 220 Initially
for 15
- then lowering to: - then lowering to:
375 190 30-40 350 180 20-25
Drop or Sugar 2 or 3 2 & 4 or 2, 3
& 4
350 180 10-12 325 160 8-10
Rolled 1 or 2 2 & 4 or 2, 3
& 4
375 190 8-10 350 180 8-12