H.E.R.O. INDUSTRIES Model 3000 Owner’s Manual
1/4x1/4 Hose to Hose Connector
114 Paint Hose, 50’ x 1/4”
3-Whipend Whipend, 3’ x 3/16”
10-55-011-2 ASM Gun, Model 400, 2 Finger Trigger, c/w 1710 Zip Tip
10-55-011-4 ASM Gun, Model 400, 4 Finger Trigger, c/w 1710 Zip Tip
10-55-300-2 ASM Gun, Model 300, 2 Finger Trigger, c/w 1710 Zip Tip
10-55-300-4 ASM Gun, Model 300, 4 Finger Trigger, c/w 1710 Zip Tip
5GAL SB-25 Strainer Bags, 5 Gallon, 25 per Carton
4-649 Wonder Wash, 1.5 ounce, 48 per Carton
4-655 Wonder Wash, 5 ounce, 25 per Carton
4-660 Wonder Wash, 5 lbs. Bulk
4-662 Wonder Coat, 1 Liter Bottle
4-664 Wonder Coat, 12 x 4-662 Carton
661 Spray Trigger, for use with 4-662
4-666 Wonder Coat, 4 Liter Bottle ( Refill )
4-LVO-1 Hydraulic Oil ( LVO ), 1 Liter Bottle
4-LV0-4 Hydraulic Oil ( LVO ), 4 Liter Bottle
4-67/19 Pressure Gauge, c/w Mounting Tee
4-45-3 Pressure Cap
10-QRP-3 Quick Reach Extension Pole, 3 Feet
10-QRP-5 Quick Reach Extension Pole, 5 Feet
10-QRP-8 Quick Reach Extension Pole, 8 Feet
BB-010 “Bucket Buster” Plastic Pail Opener