
Clean and Simple
HP Series Water Humidifier
High-Pressure Humidification
The NEW Herrdraulic high-pressure water humidifier
from Herrmidifier is the latest innovation in atomiz-
ing systems. By employing a technically superior
water-lubricated axial piston pump, the Herrdraulic
produces the cleanest water vapor mist possible.
When supplied with deionized or reverse osmosis
water, the Herrdraulic delivers pure mineral-free mist
for the most sensitive applications, including micro-
chip and pharmaceutical manufacturing. Besides
providing humidification for people and processes,
the Herrdraulic delivers the added benefit of evapo-
rative cooling. Unlike other micro-mist humidifiers,
the Herrdraulic does not use compressed air or
ultrasonic vibrators. These clean, dependable and
easy-to-maintain systems come in five sizes to
produce capacities ranging from 300 to 2500 lbs/hr
(136 kg/hr to 1134 kg/hr). A state-of-the-art micro-
processor control ensures flexible operation and
precise humidification. Coupled with the
Herrmersion nozzle dispersion array, the humidifier
offers unsurpassed dispersion in ducted systems.
Office Buildings
Schools and Colleges
Research Facilities and Laboratories
Pharmaceutical Industry
Manufacturing Plants
Semiconductor Manufacturing
Printing Operations
Indoor/Outdoor Evaporative Cooling
Water Mist Clouds in Theme Parks, Exhibitions, etc.