ENWW Finding the solution 59
Step 4: Is the print quality acceptable?
Yes: If the print quality is acceptable, go to Step 5: Is the printer communicating with the
No: If the print quality is poor, see Improving print quality.
Verify that the print settings are correct for the media you are using.
See the Media chapter for information on adjusting the settings for various types of media.
If you are unable to resolve the problem, Contact HP support
Step 5: Is the printer communicating with the computer?
Try printing a document from a software application.
Yes: If the document prints, go to Step 6: Does the printed page look like you expected?
No: If the document does not print, see Printer software problems.
If you are unable to resolve the problem, Contact HP support
Step 6: Does the printed page look like you expected?
Yes: The problem should be resolved. If it is not resolved, Contact HP support.
No:See Printed page is different than what appeared on screen
If you are unable to resolve the problem, Contact HP support
Contact HP support
● In the United States, see http://www.hp.com/support/lj1010
● In other countries/regions, see http://www.hp.com