
124 Index ENWW
shipping printer 97
size, printer 100
sizes, media
custom 32, 39
error messages 69
selecting trays 27
supported 23
tray 1 111
tray 2 112
skew, troubleshooting 76
slanted pages 76
slow printing, troubleshooting 83
smeared toner, troubleshooting 74
Smooth halftone option 45, 46
downloading 17
features 31
Macintosh, features 16
operating systems supported 14
settings, changing 30
toolbox 53
uninstalling 18
Windows, features 15
source, printing by 27, 31
spare parts. See supplies; service
special media
cardstock 39
custom-sized 32, 39
envelopes 36, 116
labels 37, 118
letterhead 40, 114
output path 35
specifications 111
transparencies 38, 118
envelopes 116
environmental 101
labels 118
Material Safety Data Sheet 104
paper 113
printer 100
printer features 9
supplies 100
transparencies 118
trays, media supported 111
specks, troubleshooting 73
specifications 9
troubleshooting 83
spots, troubleshooting 73
sRGB 45, 46, 47
e-mail alerts 54
lights. See lights
Supplies Status page, printing 51
stopping printing 42
envelopes 116
paper 115
print cartridges 91
printer 101
straight-through paper path 35
streaks, troubleshooting 73
availability 104
life expectancies 90
ordering 3
part numbers 19
recycling 103
status lights 12, 64
status page 51, 53
status, viewing 53
storing 91
maintenance agreements 96
repacking printer 97
service information form 98
telephone and online 3
Support Assistant CD 3
technical support
maintenance agreements 96
part numbers 19
repacking printer 97
service information form 98
telephone and online 3
telephone numbers
HP fraud hotline 92
HP Printing Supplies Returns and Recycling Program 103
support 3
temperature specifications
paper, storing 115
printer environment 101
text, troubleshooting 75, 85
low 64
out 65
scatter, troubleshooting 76
smeared, troubleshooting 74
specks, troubleshooting 73
status lights 12
toner cartridges. See print cartridges
calibrating printer 89
operating systems supported 14
using 53
top cover, locating 10
top output bin
features 9
locating 10
printing to 35
troubleshooting curl 85
printing 38
specifications 111, 118
Trapping options 45, 46
tray 1
See also trays
loading 25
locating 10
media supported 23, 111
tray 2
See also trays
loading 26
locating 10
media supported 23, 112
part number 19
troubleshooting 84