Using the ProCurve Web Browser Interface
Web Configuration
Using the ProCurve Web
Browser Interface
Port Mirroring
You can mirror traffic from any source port to a target port for real-time
analysis. You can then attach a network analyzer or RMON probe to the target
port and study the traffic crossing the source port in a completely unobtrusive
Field Attributes
Port to Mirror to
• Port to Mirror to – The port that will be use to “mirror” another
port’s incoming data. Data packets will be dropped when data coming
in is greater than the port can handle.
Note If the total ingress bandwidth exceeds the mirror port’s egress bandwidth,
packets will eventually be dropped on ingress to the switch, which means they
will not reach the mirror port or their intended destination port. Input rate-
limiting in conjunction with port flow-control should be used to ensure that
the total ingress bandwidth never exceeds the egress bandwidth.
Ports to Mirror
• Mirroring Enabled – The port whose traffic will be monitored. If
enabled, the data packets on this port will be mirrored.
(Default: Disabled)