
Troubleshooting Overview
for HP Jetdirect 175x external print server/Internet connector for USB
and HP Jetdirect 310x external print server/Internet connector for USB
The questions below will help you troubleshoot your print server quickly. Just
answer each question in turn. For each question:
If your answer is Yes, go on to the next question.
If your answer is No, there is a problem. Click on the No button for a
procedure to solve the problem. After you've solved the problem, the
troubleshooting procedure may bring you back to this page.
If you're not sure of the answer, or if you don't understand the question,
click on the ??? button for more detailed information about the question.
At the bottom of this page are links to some additional topics related to
troubleshooting the print server.
If you wish to change an answer, you can click on this Reset
button to return the page to its original state. (The Reset
button stays inactive until you have clicked on at least one No or ??? button.)
Please answer the questions below in the order listed.
Is your printer ON and ONLINE?
If Yes, continue with the
next question.
Is your print server’s USB light ON (solid
If Yes, continue with the
next question.
Is your print server’s Power/Status light ON
(solid green)?
If Yes, continue with the
next question.