the block striping and parity of RAID 5 with the straight block striping of RAID
0, yielding higher performance than RAID 5 through the addition of RAID 0,
particularly during writes.
Configuration and
Configuration andConfiguration and
Configuration and
Management Tools
Management ToolsManagement Tools
Management Tools
HP StorageWorks MSA Storage Management Utility (SMU), Management
access, out-of-band: WEB GUI, CLI. Interface Types: Mini DB9 RS232,
10/100 Ethernet Protocols Supported SNMP, SSL, SSH, SMTP, HTTP, Telnet
Hot Plug Expansion and
Hot Plug Expansion andHot Plug Expansion and
Hot Plug Expansion and
Replacement Support
Replacement SupportReplacement Support
Replacement Support
The MSA2000sa supports hot plug expansion and replacement of redundant
controllers, fans, power supplies, and I/O modules for simple, fast
installation and maintenance.
Snapshot and Clone
Snapshot and CloneSnapshot and Clone
Snapshot and Clone
Optional controller based functionality. Offers higher levels of data
protection, enabling an almost instant recovery from data failure or
corruption. Offers alternative development testing of 'offline' production data
and the ability to backup snapped/cloned data
The MSA2000sa comes integrated with web browser based software for storage and RAID management,
setup, configuration and troubleshooting. This reduces the cost of ownership by reducing the training
and technical expertise necessary to install and maintain your HP storage solution.
Server Compatibility
Server CompatibilityServer Compatibility
Server Compatibility
Supports most HP ProLiant servers including
HP ProLiant DL, ML
Industry Standard X86
Industry Standard X86Industry Standard X86
Industry Standard X86
servers support
servers supportservers support
servers support
Supports most multi-vendor industry standard 32-bit Intel and AMD based (x86) servers. HP
requires the Third-Party Server to be logo'd and listed on the Microsoft Windows Server Catalog.
Refer to the Microsoft website:
HP StorageWorks Division recommends that the Third-Party Server Vendor is an active member of
TSANet. Refer to the TSANet website for details:
OS Support
OS SupportOS Support
OS Support
Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and 2003 R2 (32/64)
Red Hat Linux 5 (32/64)
SuSE 10 (32/64)
VMware ESX 3.5 (32/64)
Supported Clustering
Supported ClusteringSupported Clustering
Supported Clustering
Microsoft Cluster Service for Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and 2003
SteelEye's LifeKeeper for Linux on , Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 5 and SuSE Linux Enterprise Server
10 (supported with ProLiant servers only)
Web Browser support
Web Browser supportWeb Browser support
Web Browser support
MSA2000sa supports target based management, and requires a web browser for management.
Only Microsoft Internet Explorer V6.X and above, and Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7 or later are supported
HP StorageWorks 2000sa Modular Smart Array
HP StorageWorks 2000sa Modular Smart ArrayHP StorageWorks 2000sa Modular Smart Array
HP StorageWorks 2000sa Modular Smart Array
Family Information
DA - 13045 Worldwide — Version 1 — July 14, 2008
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