
HP No. 56 Black Inkjet Print Cartridge
Product Specifications
The HP No. 56 Black Inkjet Print Cartridge features pigmented black ink formulated to deliver
crisp, laser-quality text. Other key features include the latest printhead design, a tiny ink drop
size and an extremely efficient ink delivery system.
Ideal customer
Professional and home users looking to produce superb quality graphics and text-based
documents such as promotional material, brochures, newsletters and other professional documents.
Key selling points
17 pl drop size for crisp, sharp black text and graphics.
High optical density ink for outstanding quality.
Resists smudging during handling or when subjected to rain or spillage.
Good lightfastness – resists fading longer.
Smart features constantly monitor ink levels and provide on-screen ink level indicators.
Alert provided when ink is running low, enabling replacement supplies to be ordered in time.
No unexpected surprises means maximum productivity.
Ensures maximum number of pages from this compact cartridge.
19 ml capacity will produce approx 450 pages at 5% density.
Easy snap-out/drop-in design for quick, clean replacement.
P/N Description
volume Unit Dimensions (w x d x h) Weight
Page Yield*
C6656AE HP No. 56 Black Inkjet Print
Cartridge 19 ml Single 140 x 112 x 35 mm 82,8 g 450 (at 5% density)
Master carton 587 x 194 x 245 mm 5.4 kg
*Yield may vary per printer. Please refer to printer datasheet for more information.