
Chapter 4 Configuring a System for the First Time 47
Your package contents include a micro-DB9-to-DB9 serial cable. If necessary, use a
DB9-to-DB25 adapter (not included) for connecting the serial cable to a DB25
serial port on the host computer.
2. Start and configure a terminal emulator, such as HyperTerminal or VT-100, using
the display settings in Table 4-1 and the connection settings in Table 4-2.
Table 4-1 Terminal Emulator Display Settings
Parameter Value
Terminal Emulation Mode VT-100 or ANSI (for color support)
Font Terminal
Translations None
Columns 80
Table 4-2 Terminal Emulator Connection Settings
Parameter Value
Connector COM1 (typically)
Baud rate (bits/sec) 115,200
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Flow control None