
The following conventions are used throughout this appendix.
Convention Meaning
CSI The is the control character (9/11) used to introduce the Control Sequence
Introducer as part of the format of a DEC PPL3 command. For example,
CSI Pn A. Both parameter characters and intermediate characters are
supported in a CSI control sequence.
ESC This is the control character (1/11) used to introduce an escape sequence as
part of the format of a DEC PPL3 command. For example, ESC 4. Unlike
the CSI commands, ESC commands do not support parameter characters.
SP Indicates a space character (2/0) as part of the format of a DEC PPL3
command. For example, CSI 3 SP x. Spaces appear between characters
in commands for clarity; they are not part of the command syntax unless
indicated with the SP character.
Ps Selective parameter, or one that identifies a list of options pertaining to
the specific command. If ‘‘>’’ (3/14) or ‘‘?’’ (3/15) occurs at the beginning
of a string of parameters, the parameters that follow are Digital private
parameters. If the character ‘‘>’’ or ‘‘?’’ is present, it must occur only once
at the beginning of the parameter string.
Pn Intermediate character—component of an escape sequence, control
sequence, or control string.
Fs Used to identify sequences in which the final character can vary.
A–2 Operator’s Guide