ENWW Chapter 4 Problem solving and maintenance 103
HP policy on non-HP supplies
Hewlett-Packard Company cannot recommend the use of non-HP supplies, either new or
remanufactured. Because they are not HP products, HP cannot influence their design or control
their quality. Service or repairs required as a result of using a non-HP supply will not be covered
under the printer warranty.
When you insert a supply into the printer, the printer will inform you if the supply is not a genuine
HP supply. If you insert a genuine HP supply that has reached the low state from another HP
printer, the printer identifies the supply as non-HP. Simply return the supply to the original printer
to reactivate HP features and functionality.
Resetting the printer for non-HP supplies
When you install a non-HP print cartridge or imaging drum, the light next to the print cartridge or
imaging drum you replaced blinks and the Attention light is on. You must press (C
the first time you install this non-HP supply. The status lights will not indicate when this type of
supply is low or empty.
CAUTION The printer will not stop printing when this type of supply is empty. Printer damage could occur if
the printer prints with an empty print cartridge or imaging drum. See “Hewlett-Packard limited
warranty statement” on page 106 and “Limited warranty for the print cartridges and imaging drum”
on page 107.
HP fraud hotline
Call the HP fraud hotline if the supplies status lights, the embedded Web server, or HP Status
and Alerts indicates that the print cartridge or imaging drum is not an HP print cartridge and you
think that it is genuine. HP will help determine if the product is genuine and take steps to resolve
the problem.
Your print cartridge or imaging drum might not be a genuine HP one if you notice the following
● You are experiencing a high number of problems with the print cartridge or imaging drum.
● The print cartridge or imaging drum does not look like it usually does (for example, the pull
tab or the box is different).
In the United States, call toll-free: 1-877-219-3183.
Outside the United States, you can call collect. Dial the operator and ask to place a collect call to
this telephone number: 1-770-263-4745. If you do not speak English, a representative at the HP
fraud hotline who speaks your language will assist you. Or, if someone who speaks your
language is not available, a language line interpreter will connect approximately one minute after
the beginning of the call. The language line interpreter is a service that will translate between you
and the representative for the HP fraud hotline.