Static Virtual LANs (VLANs)
Port-Based Virtual LANs (Static VLANs)
Figure 2-17 is an example of the output when the detail option is not used.
Figure 2-17. Example of “Show VLAN Ports” Cumulative Listing
Figure 2-18 is an example of the output when the detail option is used.
Figure 2-18. Example of “Show VLAN Ports” Detail Listing
ProCurve# show vlan ports 1-24
Status and Counters - VLAN Information - for ports 1-24
VLAN ID Name Status Voice Jumbo
------- ----------------- ----------- ----- ------
22 VLAN-22 Static No No
33 GVRP_33 Dynamic
ProCurve# show vlan ports all detail
Status and Counters - VLAN Information - for ports 1
Port name: Uplink_Port
VLAN ID Name Status Voice Jumbo Mode
------- ------------------ ----------- ----- ----- ------
1 DEFAULT_VLAN Port-based No No Untagged
22 VLAN22 Port-based No No Tagged
Status and Counters - VLAN Information - for ports 2
VLAN ID Name Status Voice Jumbo Mode
------- ----------------- ----------- ----- ----- ------
1 DEFAULT_VLAN Port-based No No Untagged
33 GVRP_33 Dynamic Tagged
Status and Counters - VLAN Information - for ports 3
VLAN ID Name Status Voice Jumbo Mode
------- ----------------- ----------- ----- ----- ------
1 DEFAULT_VLAN Port-based No No Untagged