File Transfers
Downloading Switch Software
Received disconnect from 2: Wait for
previous session to complete
lost connection
Attempt to Start a Second Session. The switch supports only one SFTP
session or one SCP session at a time. If a second session is initiated (for
example, an SFTP session is running and then an SCP session is attempted),
then the following error message may appear on the client console:
Received disconnect from 2: Other SCP/SFTP
session running
lost connection
Using Xmodem to Download Switch Software From
a PC or UNIX Workstation
This procedure assumes that:
■ The switch is connected via the Console RS-232 port to a PC operating as
a terminal. (Refer to the Installation and Getting Started Guide you
received with the switch for information on connecting a PC as a terminal
and running the switch console interface.)
■ The switch software is stored on a disk drive in the PC.
■ The terminal emulator you are using includes the Xmodem binary transfer
feature. (For example, in the HyperTerminal application included with
Windows NT, you would use the Send File option in the T
ransfer dropdown
Menu: Xmodem Download to Primary Flash
Note that the menu interface accesses only the primary flash.
1. From the console Main Menu, select
7. Download OS
2. Press
[E] (for Edit).
3. Use the Space bar to select XMODEM in the Method field.
4. Press
[Enter], then [X] (for eXecute) to begin the software download. The
following message then appears:
Press enter and then initiate Xmodem transfer
from the attached computer.....