To uninstall from a Windows computer, method 2
Note Use this method if Uninstall is not available in the Windows Start menu.
1. On the Windows taskbar, click Start, Settings, Control Panel.
2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
3. Select HP All-in-One & Officejet 4.0, and then click Change/Remove.
Follow the onscreen instructions.
4. Disconnect your HP All-in-One from your computer.
5. Restart your computer.
Note It is important that you disconnect your HP All-in-One before
restarting your computer. Do not connect the HP All-in-One to your
computer until after you have reinstalled the software.
6. Insert the HP All-in-One CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive on your computer, and
then start the Setup program.
7. Follow the onscreen instructions and the instructions provided in the Setup Guide
that came with your HP All-in-One.
To uninstall from a Windows computer, method 3
Note This is an alternate method if Uninstall is not available in the Windows
Start menu.
1. Insert the HP All-in-One CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive on your computer, and
then start the Setup program.
2. Select Uninstall and follow the onscreen directions.
3. Disconnect your HP All-in-One from your computer.
4. Restart your computer.
Note It is important that you disconnect your HP All-in-One before
restarting your computer. Do not connect the HP All-in-One to your
computer until after you have reinstalled the software.
5. Start the Setup program for your HP All-in-One again.
6. Launch Reinstall.
7. Follow the onscreen instructions and the instructions provided in the Setup Guide
that came with your HP All-in-One.
To uninstall from a Mac
1. Disconnect the HP All-in-One from your Mac.
2. Open the Applications: Hewlett-Packard folder.
3. Double-click HP Uninstaller.
Follow the onscreen instructions.
4. After the software is uninstalled, disconnect your HP All-in-One, and then restart
your computer.
User Guide 111