IP Routing Features
Overview of IP Routing
Note Your ProCurve switch supports IP addresses in classical sub-net format,
which includes the IP address and the subnet mask (example:, and Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR) format
(example: You can use either format when configuring IP
address information. IP addresses are displayed in classical sub-net format
only, with or without the subnet mask.
IP Tables and Caches
The following sections describe the IP tables and caches:
■ ARP cache table
■ IP route table
■ IP forwarding cache
The software enables you to display these tables.
ARP Cache Table
The ARP cache contains entries that map IP addresses to MAC addresses.
Generally, the entries are for devices that are directly attached to the routing
ARP Cache. The ARP cache contains dynamic (learned) entries. The soft-
ware places a dynamic entry in the ARP cache when the routing switch learns
a device’s MAC address from an ARP request or ARP reply from the device.
The software can learn an entry when the switch or routing switch receives
an ARP request from another IP forwarding device or an ARP reply. Here is
an example of a dynamic entry:
IP Address MAC Address Type Port
1 0800.5afc.ea21 Dynamic 6
Figure 7-1. Example of a Dynamic Entry
Each entry contains the destination device’s IP address and MAC address.
To configure other ARP parameters, see “Configuring ARP Parameters” on
page 7-8.