View or Download the Software Manual Set
The printed Installation and Getting Started Guide shipped with your ProCurve product describes installing,
minimally configuring, and troubleshooting. For further software feature and configuration information, visit
the ProCurve Web site, where you can freely view or download the latest software manuals for your product.
To do so, go to:
You may want to bookmark this Web page for easy access in the future.
You can also register on the My ProCurve portal to receive a set of ProCurve switch manuals on CD-ROM. To
register and request a CD go to
www.procurve.com and click on My ProCurve Sign In. After registering and entering
the portal, click on My Manuals.
Your Free Introduction to Proactive Networking!
ProCurve Manager and ProCurve Manager Plus offer a breakthrough in network management software that
gives you more network with less work. ProCurve Manager and a 30-day trial of ProCurve Manager Plus are
available for free on the ProCurve Networking Web site. Also available on the ProCurve Web site are 30-day free
trials of Mobility Manager, Identity-Driven Manager, and Network Immunity Manager. To download any of these
options, visit
www.procurve.com/software and click on Network management.
Software Updates Are Free!
ProCurve Networking provides free software updates on the ProCurve Web site for your
switch. To access the software updates, go to the ProCurve Web site at
www.procurve.com/software, then click on Switches to go to the page that has the free
download for your switch.
Register for Automatic Notification of Updates. You can receive email notices of new
software updates by registering your ProCurve product on the ProCurve Web portal. To
begin this easy process, go to www.procurve.com and click on My ProCurve Sign In.
To determine whether you have the latest software, you can compare the software version
that is available on the web site with the version that is currently installed on your switch. Follow the instructions
below to determine the current software version on your switch.
To Determine the Current Software Version in Your Switch. Use any of the following methods to view the
software version:
■ Start a console session with the switch. In the console login screen (the first screen displayed), the
Software revision line under the switch name shows the software version.
■ If you already have a console session going, at the prompt enter the show version command. The
resulting display lists the current software version.
■ In the web browser interface, click on the Identity tab. The current software version is listed as the
revision number in the Version line.